Hričov Waterway

situation problem

The municipality of Dolný Hričov is intertwined with many legends and rich history, thanks to which it has potential for local tourism. However, the forest ecosystem has been severely neglected, which has caused a decline in the number of visitors to this interesting place. The forest has lost its attractiveness and visitor numbers due to the negative impact of the environment.


So we came up with a unique solution in which we set out to:

Prevention of Floods, Droughts and Other Impacts of Nature

A cascade of wooden water retention measures designed to hold back rainwater and thereby raise the water table in the adjacent forest ecosystem. The waterway thus also serves as flood protection against torrential rainfall.

Make a Place Attractive

In the past, the water from these forests, specifically from a spring called Šípová studnička, was supposed to help many people with eye or skin diseases. A certain monk called Thomas Waterhouse used to pray by this water for the health of sick people. He requested that it should have healing powers. In addition, he himself treated sick people with herbs from this forest.


We built an attractive zone in the locality, which fulfilled the purpose of prevention and attraction. The revitalisation project includes the Arrowhead Spring and the memorial site of the monk Thomas Waterhouse.

The local community later built a gazebo here, where frequent picnics and gatherings of local people are held.


The project also attracted the attention of the Franciscan monks. It was they who attended the opening ceremony of the project, thus enhancing the dignity of the memorial. Today, water cascades, an ant trail and forest wildlife can be seen in the natural environment. The neglected forest has become an attractive ecosystem and the untold forest roads have become a historical story.

The project is an inspiration that even rainwater can create an attractive area that says a lot even without words.

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