Water Rotor

©WATERROTOR is a technological system of permanent regeneration of everything. Life, safety, prosperity, which gives the opportunity to live in a safe and healthy environment, in which there is an abundance of water for people, nature, biodiversity and the climate....


The Ventura River Watershed has typical mountainous dry weather and suffers from water scarcity and frequent flooding. The average annual rainfall is 21.24 inches. The summer half of the year has extremely poor precipitation (May – October), when the rainfall...

How Cities Dried out and Melted Their Dream of a White Christmas

What is the cause of the current extreme temperatures in Europe? Why do towns get dry spells or get flooded instead of receiving fluffy snow? I will attempt to explain the case of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, nestled on the Danube and Morava rivers at the foot...

Water Holistic @ COP28 in Dubai

The Panelists Will Discuss the Forgotten Greenhouse Gas and Biodiversity at COP 28. The Water Holistic Founder will be there. How can we empower local solid partners to take action for nature conservation and against the climate and biodiversity crises? We partner...

Slovak Landscape and Watershed Restoration (2011)

 The Slovak Landscape Revitalization and Integrated River Basin Management Program was adopted by the Slovak Government in 2010 Program’s primary focus was to increase the water retention capacity of the landscape to prevent droughts and mitigate floods.  It...