Rainwater Harvesting in the Village of Torysa

situation problem

In the past, the agricultural landscape in Slovakia was fragmented and diversified. Changes caused by collectivisation and the removal of traditional features such as borders and copses have led to the disruption of the natural water regime. Heavy rainfall caused rapid runoff, which, together with the erosion of farmland, carried away valuable fertile soil and nutrients. Localised flooding, soil drying and loss of fertility severely affected agricultural areas with slopes above 2%.

Goal of the Project

Our project aimed to find a sustainable and effective solution that minimises the negative impacts of rainfall events and flooding on the agricultural landscape in the Torysa catchment. The main objective was to prevent localised flooding, improve conditions for plant growth, and restore soil and water resources in the area.


Our solution was based on the creation of terrain bunding strips at appropriate spacing and tree planting. These strips allow rainwater to be retained, minimising rapid runoff and creating suitable moisture conditions for new plant growth. The project was implemented together with local unemployed residents who actively participated in the landscaping and tree planting.



Elimination of local flooding in the vicinity of the Torysa River


Improvement of soil and water resources


Similar results to traditional engineering solutions at a much lower cost


Restoration of erosion-damaged ecosystems


Restoration of land and water resources


Better conditions for plant growth

restored water source on Torysa river
restored water source

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